This past weekend I had the honor and privilege to participate in the annual Reelin' For Research charity fishing tournament in Morehead City which raises money to land a cure for cancer. All of the money goes to the newly named Reelin For Research clinic at UNC Children's - North Carolina Children's Hospital.
My longtime friend from Laketography RVtography Socialtography partnered me up with the folks at R4R to write a song that ties the whole weekend together. The song is called Reelin and it's available for download on all the major music platforms and all proceeds will be donated thru my fishing team called The Rohclem Group which raised $25,000 this past weekend. All together we all raised $800,000.
Thanks to my new friends at Simple Mann Sport Fishing for such an epic day of fishing. And thanks to my 21 new best friends on The Rohclem Group.